Wide use of titanium in industrial equipment , sunrui ttitanium valve covering the ship construction . Modern shipbuilding industry ,
the application of titanium and titanium alloys everywhere. From the boat to the submarine , titanium shadow
everywhere .
Application of titanium submarines , widely distributed . Russia was the first country to use nuclear submarines
titanium alloy , and technically far ahead of sunrui Aerospace titanium castings other countries , not only the hard shell made of titanium alloy and
non-magnetic, reducing the number of hull maintenance , to ensure the durability of the hull .
The systemic use of titanium manufacturing titanium ship , the Japanese technology in this area is very leading
. Full titanium boat has a lot of advantages: quality and relatively lightweight sail faster , save fuel , no
surface paint treatment. But the all-titanium boat manufacturing costs are relatively high , relatively few civilian
. I believe that with the development of sunrui aerospace castings technology, titanium will also enter the civilian era.